
I am a researcher and lecturer, working principally in the areas of contemporary music and sound art, performance, and cultural theory. I completed my PhD in 2013 at Royal Holloway, University of London.

I am the author of an academic monograph, New Music and the Crises of Materiality: Sounding Bodies and Objects in Late Modernity (Routledge, 2021) and an edited collection, MusicPsychoanalysisMusicology (Routledge, 2018). With Isabella van Elferen and Matthew Sergeant I co-edited a special issue of Contemporary Music Review on ‘Musical Materialisms’ (2020). I have published articles and book chapters on twentieth-century- and twenty-first-century music and sound art. My work often makes use of critical theory, drawing on materialism and psychoanalysis. My current research project reassesses the challenges of a critical theory of music and sound art with respect to neoliberalism and contemporary notions of selfhood.

As a lecturer, I work with student artists, performers and practitioners, teaching across two posts, at London Contemporary Dance School and Guildhall School of Music and Drama. At LCDS, I chair the Research Ethics Committee and am a Head of Learning Resources. At Guildhall I undertake doctoral supervision; I welcome messages from prospective doctoral students. I am a Fellow of the HEA.

My academic practice is enthused by collaboration and conversation, and I regularly organise conferences, conference streams, panels, and other events. I am the Events Coordinator for the Music and Philosophy Study Group of the Royal Musical Association. I am a founding member of the London Critical Collective, who have coordinated the annual London Conference in Critical Thought since its inaugural event in 2012.

As a composer, I have written music for documentary film and collaborative artistic projects.

Please feel free to get in touch, at s.wilson [at]

Photo credit: Tom Trevatt